Tent Cover and Mat for Climbing Triangle

CHF 54.85

Tent Cover and Play Mat For Climbing Triangle

 This Tent Cover and Mat for Climbing Triangle is a perfect toy set to help develop your child's motor skills and coordination. Crafted from 100% natural linen-cotton blend fabric, the set has 3 unique designs to choose from, and ships next day with free express shipping. Your kids will love playing and exploring with this Montessori toy set!

About this item

Play tent cover and play is made for our climbing triangle sizes We have 3 unique designs for the tent cover and play mat sets You can get the Tent Cover and Play Mat Seperately or as a set!

Shipping Details: (SHIPS NEXT DAY)
3-5 business days delivery for USA & Canada.
3-4 business days delivery for Europe
3-6 business days delivery for the Rest of the World.

World Wide Free and Express Shipping on all orders.



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